...neither quite a quiche. I like to call it "baked omelet". I recently picked up MFK Fisher's "How to Cook a Wolf", which is a fantastic book. It was written during the height of WWII rationing. The introduction made me laugh really hard (Miss Fisher has a dry but sharp wit). There's a section dealing with the manifold forms of the omelet. My "baked omelet" isn't a quiche because it lacks a crust (which would tempt me to call it "egg pie") and the eggs were never fried, so it can't be truly called a frittata (my hodgepodge language skills lead me to believe that frittata is related to frita and fritters and thus must be a fried thing).

I did fry the veggies (carrots, zucchini, onion), sans cherry tomatoes and mushrooms, in a pan slicked with rendered bacon, and a bay leaf and probably some thyme and sweet marjoram. I felt that the bacon added enough salt to not require additional sprinklings. Then I let the mess cool down, and tossed them with the remaining vegetables into a baking dish that had been buttered generously. I beat six eggs with about half a cup of grated Parmesan cheese (I say about because I just stopped grating when I got tired of it). Popped it into a moderate oven (350 F) and let it cook for half an hour.

I paired it with some buttered (man, I've been using that a lot) tri-color rotini with lots of black pepper.

I felt it was a great dish and I will be making it again.
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